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Is Internet Marketing Social Media Dependent?

Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Google+. LinkedIn. These, and hundreds more social media platforms that are trade specific, are often considered the most vital part of a digital or internet marketing plan. But is internet marketing really social media dependent?

Social media is one of the most active and visible platforms for modern marketing. That said, much of internet marketing takes place outside of the bounds of social media. Businesses that become too trapped in the social media world miss out on the ability to fine tune their pitch to reach their target demographic via blogs, press releases, and email.

Facebook is by far and away the most powerful digital marketing tool available to small businesses, and requires the least amount of work. Yet, other platforms like Tumblr, Buzzfeed, Instagram, and Pinterest are gaining traction quickly, and Google’s entrance into the scene with Google+ can’t be overlooked. Like Apple, Google tends to work on a topic until they perfect it.

Industry trends suggest that social media will increase in importance, and that image-dominated platforms will be the most influential. Controversially, Facebook is working to diminish the number of images that appear in member’s feeds, making marketing more complex using this platform.

Outside of social media, the most important thing you can produce is content. In fact, as many marketers will tell you, content is king. Sticky content, or writing that provides true informative value, is the most important facet of any website or blog your business runs. Providing quality information that is easy and fun to read sets you up for success and frequent appearances in search results. Google and other search engines aim to keep informative and useful content at the top of their search results. Provide it, SEO it correctly, and they will love you.

Email newsletters and subscription lists are another powerful tool, as are video blogs or targeted video channels. Remember that simplicity is admired, value adored, and the more your name is seen, the more your field of potential customers grows. Visibility breeds trust and confidence.

In many ways, social media is the keystone of an effective digital media strategy. That said, it is only one piece of a much larger puzzle. Use your social media platforms wisely, and make sure to supplement them with a well-made and informative website. If possible, offer your customers the opportunity to engage with your further via a newsletter, or other informative materials. For best results, let social media be your internet business card, and your site and newsletter be your office, where customers and clients can get to know you better.


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