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Email Marketing vs. Internet Marketing

The web is a seemingly limitless platform for modern marketing professionals, but business owners often have trouble navigating the different aspects of digital marketing. One of the most confusing concepts to unravel is the difference between email marketing and internet marketing. All email marketing is part of internet marketing, but the term is also often used to define something that does not include email or social media. In this article, we will address internet marketing outside of social media and email, as well as email marketing.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a relatively old field, but it isn’t limited to the creation of spam mail. Many business owners are unaware of the many forms of email marketing that are available to them, and shy away from this area of digital marketing for fear of being associated with so-called junk mail.

One of the best forms of email marketing is the kind that allows you to make the second sale. The second sale is, as you probably know, the most important. It signals satisfaction with your company and your service or product. Emails that ask customers for input or feedback, provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), or offer discounts on future purchases are excellent forms of email marketing that rarely are denoted as spam. In fact, many customers actively seek out these emails.

Another popular form of email marketing is the creation of an email newsletter. Email newsletters require a significant amount of content creation and research, although you can occasionally find copywriters that offer newsletters for distribution in your field. Potential customers often enjoy and anticipate these newsletters, allowing you marketing opportunities in the newsletters themselves, but also through third party connections when your newsletter is forwarded to your subscriber’s friends, colleagues, and family. Including special offers in a newsletter is an easy way to boost your business.

What is Internet Marketing?

Outside of social media and email marketing, internet marketing is a vast field. It includes everything from page banners and embedded advertisements to pay per click and blog generated leads. This is a complex field, and without training, will intimidate many junior marketers and entrepreneurs.

One of the most important topics to keep in mind in internet marketing is the value of keywords. You may already be aware of the importance of SEO to your blog, but the same is true of reseller sites like Amazon.com. Choosing your categories, product title, and product description should involve the careful selection of keywords.

Some organizations use internet marketing to create email lists of potential customers. This includes purchasing the right to resell a product and driving traffic to a website that offers a product or service that would also intrigue your potential customers, and that requires an email sign-up.

Email marketing and internet marketing, regardless of the form, are interrelated and work best as part of a larger plan. The cost for either varies based on the amount of time and effort you wish to expend, and what your overall goals are. The strategies listed above are only a few of the myriad ways that internet and email marketing can be used by small and medium businesses. If you are interested in internet and email marketing for your business, ask one of the digital marketing experts at Xbitx for details on how we can help you create an effective strategy that makes a strong positive impact on your bottom line.


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